We spent the weekend holed up inside where it was cool. With the triple digit temps, plus humidity, it was horrible outside. That said, we had to be the entertainment for the kiddo. I think I may have lost my mind this weekend.
My daughter just turned four. She speaks like a kindergartner, and acts like she's fourteen. When the "terrible twos" were hitting, the advice I received was, "Oh, it won't last." When the "terrible threes" were hitting, the advice I received was, "Oh yeah! Threes are much worse than twos." Why didn't you just fucking tell me that at the terrible twos so I could have been prepared for it to last? And last it does. This four year old creature of mine is sassy, temperamental, and creates more drama than all of the housewives on reality television.
I've gotten used to the incessant talking and constant questions from sun up to sun down. What I can't get used to is the arguing and backtalk! EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING I SAY she has a comment or argument to come back with. Where do they teach small kids that they have to get the last word in? I always thought that was more the behavior of older kids. I guess now with toddlers having iPads and iPods they are growing up much faster than any of the previous generation.
I love that girl more than my life. And not all of the stuff that comes out of her mouth is argumentative. Sometimes I wonder where she learns the stuff she does. She goes to preschool 3 days a week, but she does watch a lot of tv (all age appropriate, of course). While I do allow her to watch tv, I make sure she doesn't watch any violent shows. Hey, my kid could count to six in Spanish at 2 years old. Gracias, Dora. Go ahead, you super moms, commence with the criticism!! Last week we were at the grocery store and saw a man with tattoos all over his arms. My daughter then told me she wanted a tattoo. I replied with the same thing my mom told me when I wanted a tattoo (of course I was 18, not FOUR!), "Get a job and your own place and you can do whatever you want." I guess she decided she really didn't want the tattoo that bad.
I've got my work cut out for me. It's really hard to stay mad at a face that looks just like me and my hubby. I've got ten years to practice, though.
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