Friday, July 20, 2012

The Inconsistencies of a Preschooler

Today I am annoyed with my daughter.  Very annoyed.  Thankfully it's Daddy/Daughter Date Night tonight because I really don't think I have the strength to deal with her at bedtime.  By one o'clock this afternoon I was already over it.

This morning getting ready for the sports camp she goes to we had a battle over what to wear.  She is a dress girl; she loves LONG dresses.  Unfortunately, you can't skate or play soccer in them.  She at least accepts the fact that she can't wear a dress to camp, but wants to replace it instead with a skirt.  This morning she picked out a red 'Olivia' t-shirt and a dark purple skirt.  No.  Then she didn't want to wear the Olivia shirt and tried to pick out another shirt to wear with the skirt.  No.  Then there's the jumping up and down and whining that accompanies the realization that she's not going to get her way.  NO!  She finally did pick out a pair of shorts and a tank top, after about 15 minutes.  This goes on every morning, by the way.  If you're a mom, I'm positive you can relate.

Off to brush teeth, comb hair, clean ears.  She had her ears pierced about ten years ago and they STILL want you to clean them twice a day!  I'm just kidding.  They were pierced in May, but our doc told us to keep the studs in for 12 weeks.  When I got my ears pierced I took them out in 2 weeks; and walked ten miles to school-each way!  Anyway, I digress...
I put her hair in a ponytail just so I can clean her ears without all the hair in the way.  God forbid she actually wears it to camp.  She won't let me put any barrettes in her hair, nor will she let me put her hair up in ponytail.  EVER.  She starts to take out the ponytail and I tell her to leave it because I'm not done with her ears yet.  Does she listen?  She continues to try and get the band out of her hair.  "Leave it ALONE!!!"  Now her hair is mostly out and I have to put it back up.  And now she's upset that "I yelled at her."  Mommy's upset that you don't listen to her.  EVER.

We had breakfast and I asked her if she wanted some orange juice.  Just like most other kids, she hates the pulp, so we only buy the pulp-free kind.  I gave it to her in her fave red cup.  She took one sip of it and made a face.  "Mommy, does this have pulp in it?"  No, honey, we don't buy pulpy orange juice.  "But I taste things floating around, this has pulp."  No, honey, this is the same orange juice you had yesterday.  Same bottle, see?  "I don't like it, it has pulp."  Fine, give me the cup and you can have water (I said with gritted teeth).  I put the cup with the "pulpy oj" back in the fridge; knowing that I can pour it into a sippy cup later and it will be acceptable to drink.

All of these fun times happened within an hour this morning.

Then there was the whining that occurred at the sports place.  She decided she didn't want to skate.  They do four different activities:  in-line skating, t-ball, basketball, and soccer.  Skating is her least favorite, and they do that first, of course.  So I gave her some words of encouragement, told her the coaches would help her, blah, blah, blah.  Still the whining went on.  Finally my patience was gone.  "So honey, if you don't want to skate, you can sit here on the bench and watch everyone else."  I gave her a kiss goodbye and walked out of the damn place.  I was ready for a drink.  Too bad it was only 9:30 in the morning.

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