Monday, August 20, 2012

Hunger Games, Hunger Games, HUNGER GAMES!

Can you guess what this about?

This morning I rushed out to buy "The Hunger Games" on Blu-ray (I can't even spell it).  I was more inclined to buy the DVD because it was cheaper, but hubby said no.  We bought a Blu-ray player and I have been happily playing DVD's on it.  Like I know the difference of the "quality" of the picture.  Like I care.

So off to Walgreens I went, daughter in tow.  We went in and looked around for a display.  I thought there would be one because it was such a huge release.  No.  The employees were having their morning meeting, or as I used to like to call them "punch me in my uterus motivational sessions."  No good ever comes of these meetings.  They are created by corporate types who read books telling them to have the meetings to boost morale.  They are, in fact, a huge waste of time.  If you're a good manager, you have excellent communication skills and don't need the damn meetings...

Anyway, I felt bad interrupting (not really) and got the attention of the manager.  I asked if they had the Hunger Games blue-ray.  His exact response was "Ummm, I don't think so.  When does it come out?  It's not out yet."  One of his employees and I said at the same time, "Today."  Great, so the employee know more than her manager-which is usually the case.  Manager-boy had one of his minions go look in the back to see if they got a shipment.  And you know they did;  Walgreens just "forgot" to tell their managers that the hottest movie of the year was being released on DVD that day.  Riiiiigghht.

Here's the best part:  I just happened to have $10 in register rewards from a purchase from the previous week.  The kid found a small box in the back with about 8 total DVDs and Blue-Rays.  He rang it up and it was on sale for $23.99!  I stealthily handed him my $10 coupon and it worked!  I paid $15 for it after tax.  Score!

As I have mentioned before, I read and loved all three books of the trilogy.  I took myself to the movies when the movie first came out.  We NEVER go to the movies, so it was a treat.  I think Katniss is a great example for girls.  Just not young girls-like 13 and under.  Even 12 makes me queasy.  I remember when the movie first came out, I read articles about 10 and 11 year olds standing in line to see it.  What?  Moms, I know you want to empower your little girls; but again this is an example of entitlement parenting.  The parents want to live vicariously through their kids.  The story is a little too violent in my opinion for kids that young.  And you know I have no problem expressing my opinion.

I was literally jumping up and down when it was time for my darling's "rest time."  I couldn't wait to pop that puppy in the player and watch it again!

So, what about you?  Have you seen it yet?

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