Friday, September 21, 2012

My Daughter, The Klutz

Picture time at my daughter's preschool is next week.  She gets her picture taken twice a year there; and I, being the awesome mom I am, dutifully buy the packet and distribute to friends and relatives.  Picture time also guarantees that my lovely, klutzy daughter WILL have a spill of some sort.  One where she either gets a bloody knee or a bloody head.

Yes, she is only four.  She's been going to the same preschool since she was about 18 months old.  Those first pictures she took she had a big scrape on her knee from falling outside.  Ok, she wasn't quite the practiced walker then so I have to let that one slide.  But on it went, through her 2's class and the first part of her 3's class.  She had bruises on her knees for every one of those pictures.  Luckily, I found cute outfits that covered (most of) her bruises.

Last April, I started telling her early, "Be careful walking outside because pictures are coming up soon; and you don't want to hurt yourself."  We still had about four days to go with no bruised knees!  I thought maybe this was the year!

Yeah, no.

The weekend before her pictures were taken, we were at a friend's house.  We were hanging outside on their deck and the girls were playing in the yard.  Their daughter is exactly one week older than her; and the two girls are BFFs.  My daughter was being silly and ran up the stairs onto the deck to show us something.  Then she backed up, lost her footing, and toppled down the deck stairs backwards.  She hit her head pretty hard.  I was terrified she had a concussion.  Thankfully, she was okay.  But her eye hit the last wooden stair and was bleeding.  My poor baby.
The next day she had a big scab over her eye, but no black eye (and thankfully nothing actually got IN her eye!)  This was her school picture-my daughter, The Klutz:

Now she's one week away from her next set of pictures.  So what happens?  Yep.  You guessed it.  Last night she went on a walk with her Daddy and our dogs.  Our neighbor's little girl was out riding in her "new" trike.  It was my daughter's; but she was very proud to help me clean it off and give it to the little girl.  My daughter got super excited to see the baby in her old trike.  And started running.  And fell.  And scraped her knee.  Just in time for pictures.

I love that kid.  My daughter, The Klutz.

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